Ethical Supply Chains

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How do we ensure human rights are protected?

Labour exploitation including child and slave labour constitute significant human rights violations. In Australia, legislative, corporate and trade union initiatives, NGO and consumer campaigns all aim to protect human rights and promote labour standards in supply chains. Australian companies are under increasing pressure to ensure their supply chains are ethical. Are existing initiatives effective in guaranteeing the protection of human rights? Who is responsible for human rights violations? What recommendations should be made?

Anti-Slavery Australia is hosting an event addressing the human rights impacts of Australian business’ supply chains to enhance sector knowledge and engage community awareness and action.


Associate Professor Jennifer Burn is the Director of Anti-Slavery Australia, Australia’s only specialist legal research and policy centre that focuses on the abolition of slavery, trafficking and extreme labour exploitation.


Professor Paul Redmond AM is Sir Gerard Brennan Professor of Law at UTS. He has written widely on corporate law, governance and responsibility and has extensive training experience strengthening the capacity of civil society in this region in human rights advocacy with business.


Nathan Robertson-Ball is a consultant at Banarra who believes in the power of business to effect meaningful change. He works collaboratively with the corporate sector towards improving outcomes for workers by helping organisations understand the impacts that their current procurement activities have on people, and realise the value of respecting human rights for their business.

Brynn O’Brien is a Quentin Bryce Law Doctoral Scholar at UTS and an international lawyer. She is currently undertaking research evaluating transnational soft law frameworks which seek to encourage human rights-consistent conduct throughout the value chain.

Martijn Boersma works as a researcher at the Centre for Corporate Governance, UTS, and for Catalyst, a progressive policy institute and think tank, which works closely with trade unions, non-governmental organisations and academics.

Carolyn Kitto is coordinator of the Australian coalition of Stop the Traffik, a global campaign to end human trafficking, led by a coalition of non-government, community and other organisations. She has been active in a number of successful campaigns to promote ethical supply chains.

Date: Thursday 07 August 2014

Time: 4.00pm to 7.00pm

Venue: Anti-Slavery Australia, UTS Level 3, 645 Harris Street, Ultimo, Sydney

Cost: Free event but places are limited so online RSVP is essential by 01 August

More information:

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