Tag Archives: pragmatic legitimacy

Definition of Organizational Legitimacy – Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance

The Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance represents the definitive reference work in the field. The Encyclopedia presents an overarching guide to a wide variety of subjects within corporate governance, and forms an essential resource for academics, practitioners, and students alike. The Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance is edited by leading international scholars, and contains a broad collection of entries authored by key scholars within the field that collectively aim to provide a concise and accessible coverage of the essential subjects. Useful as a reference tool or high-level introduction to specific topics, issues, methods, and debates, this Encyclopedia is an invaluable contribution to the field. Below you will find an authoritative definition of organizational legitimacy.

Citation: Boersma, M. (2024). Organizational Legitimacy. In T. Clarke, W. Khlif, & C. Ingley (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance (p. 222). Edward Edgar Publishing Ltd.