Tag Archives: Sopranos

The Sopranos “Easter Eggs” to look out for in “The Many Saints of Newark”

Soon the much anticipated The Sopranos prequel movie “The Many Saints of Newark” will have its premiere. Like many I have watched The Sopranos several times over the years, and there are many references in the show to things of the past. David Chase will likely have put a few Easter Eggs in the movie as a treat. The movie plays out in the 1960s and 1970s, with the 1967 Newark riots playing an important role, so events outside of that bracket (like Tony making his bones by killing the bookie Willy Overall on Labor Day 1982) won’t be in there.

Here are a few possible easter egg candidates:

  1. The stick up of Feech LaManna’s card game by Tony’s crew that meant that Tony et al were up and coming and had to be respected;
  2. After losing a fight to Bobby Baccala, Tony tells Carmella that she swooned when Tony “took out” Domenic Tedesco while they were both in high school;
  3. Does Christopher Moltisanti’s dad Dicky Moltisanti carry a cot or a TV tray when he is shot and killed? Is the retired cop that Chrissy kills in the show actually Dicky’s killer?
  4. Will Fran Felstein, the lady from Bambergers and Johnny Boy Soprano’s comare (goomar) make an appearance? Apparently Uncle June was quite obsessed with her.
  5. Johnny Boy co-owned a racetrack with Phil Leotardi and Hesh Rabkin, Tony’s dad had promised Fran a share of the racetrack, but Phil and Hesh cheated her out of it.
  6. Johnny Boy was with his mistress on the night Livia was hospitalised for a miscarriage. At the hospital Tony lies to Livia that he and his father were at a baseball game;
  7. Johnny Boy Soprano had the option to move to Reno, Nevada to manage a supper club for Rocco Alatore. Livia vetoed the move while Alatore became a millionaire;
  8. That time that Johnny Boy Soprano shot a bullet through Livia’s beehive hairdo; 
  9. While getting a coke and a slice Christopher tells a story about a “wise guy” friend making out with, unbeknownst to them, a transgender person. Will we find out who?
  10. Paulie tells the guys that the only time he did drugs was when someone spiked his drink at the Copa, after that Uncle Junior had laser beams shooting out of his eyes;
  11. Will there be reference to Paulie Walnuts winning the chin-up cup three times in a row while he was in the army, and that he modelled for a boxing poster?
  12. Do we find out who Paulie’s dad is, after his Nucci turned out to be his aunt rather than his mum, and his aunt turned out to be his mother. Fan theory: Russ Fergoli.
  13. Davey Scantino, who got into a gambling debt and was subjected to a bust out of his outdoor goods store, joined Tony’s high school as a army brat from Baden Baden;
  14. The Jackeèèèt: do we see the toughest guy in essex country (Rocco DiMeo) involuntarily part with his leather jacket, as regaled many times by Richie Aprile;
  15. Tony’s high school football coach said that Tony’s got what is needed to lead men on the field – but that he predicted that Tony would chose the easy way;
  16. Uncle June famously makes reference to Tony “not having the makings of a Varsity Athlete“, and Jonny Boy Soprano apparently said to Tony he’s got small hands;
  17. According to Tony, Janice Soprano frequently dropped acid and blew roadies- in earlier years she did the latter under the boardwalk in Atlantic City;
  18. The start of the executive game: Johnny Boy Soprano set this up to bleed high-rollers like the credit card companies do with high interest rater to people in debt;
  19. Satriale’s becomes the social club of the Sopranos after old man Satriale kills himself because of his gambling debt, after first getting his pinky cut off;
  20. Ercoli a.k.a. Eckley was the mentally challenged brother of Johnny Boy and Uncle Junior, he spent most of his life in an institution – will we see him in the movie?